(2006 October 25) Konferencija "Visuomenės gyvenimo stiliai: socialinės harmonijos link": |
Jūsų dėmesiui pateikiame trumpą fotoreportažą iš rugsėjo 29 - 30 d. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetete vykusios konferencijos "Visuomenės gyvenimo stiliai: socialinės harmonijos link". Kadangi Vilniaus klubas "Gyvieji namai" buvo pakviestas dalyvauti šiame renginyje, paruošėmė trumpą programą. Planavome atlikti penkias savos kūrybos dainas bei trumpai papasakoti apie mūsų klubą. Taip jau išėjo, kad pasakojimas užtruko, tad per prisistatymo pusvalandį atlikome tik dvi dainas. Prieš mus prisistatinėjo žalieji, Visariono judėjimas, o po mūsų krišnaitai. Kadangi tai buvo pirmas mūsų viešas prisistatymas, manau pavyko tikrai neblogai :) Vytenio nuotraukos:
Konferencijos salė
Žaliųjų vadovas Rimantas Braziulis (per vidurį) ir laikraščio Žalioji Lietuva redaktorius (iš dešinės)
Norėdami peržiūrėti visas, spauskite "Skaityti toliau..."
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| Published by: Rolandas | Comments: 1967
(2005 June 09) A Caravan of Sunny Bards: |
Thanks to Rosita and Dainius, the Caravan of Sunny Bards takes a tour in Lithuania. Full of true joy they will delight us in 6-15th June.
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| Published by: Modestas | Comments: 261
(2004 February 19) "Skambantys kedrai" birthday: |
Many people gathered to the birthday of the club this time. There were guests from Vilnius club, from Vilkavishkis and Plunge. The guests from Vilkavishkis brought a present for us - A.Kurtinaitis"s book "Baltasis zhodis" (The White Word). Read more... |
| Published by: Leonardas | Comments: 867
(2002 January 01) growing cedars: |
Our first clubs in Kaunas and Vilnius were established in February 2002 and October 2002. Though our first sets were shown much earlier. Many of us seeded cedar in Anastasia"s way as it was told in V.Megre books in 2001. So we would have two-year seedlings of cedars this year. We don"t have our land yet, but we are growing trees already. Not only cedars! Some of our club members are growin birches, larches, walnuts, oaks, conkers and other kind of trees on their windowsills or in their lots. Read more... |
| Published by: Mindaugas | Comments: 2683
(2002 ) looking for the land: |
1. Užusaliai expedition. 5 cars. 25 people. 5 lots visited. The lots were shown by the woman from planning department. She told us about the quality of the land and the prices. The first lot at the pond (the price for one are was 1000 dollars) was not good for us. We found just one lot that could be good for the ecovillage. It was a 50-70 ha lot in the middle of the forest. South to it there was a stream, we didn"t go to it as its banks are covered in bushes. In the middle of the lot there was an oak growing and it had ill leaves. There was also a road to Pravieniškės in the middle of the lot. At the end of the lot there was a person living. Buildings. There were electricity poles, wires were stolen. Land is poor. Loam. Pine trees around. Land is barren.
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| Published by: Mindaugas | Comments: 11119
(2002 ) celebrating the year: |
We were celebrating the year 2003 in Alvydas" and Olga"s garden house. We sang songs, made wishes, talked about our land and future ecovillage.
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| Published by: Mindaugas | Comments: 264
(2002 ) clearing the surrounding: |
The first move for Kaunas citizens from the people of Kaunas club was named "Gather the rubish". We cleared half of the second beach of Kauno marios, later we named it the glade of Kaunas club. Let the cleanliness be in our hearts and in our surrounding!
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| Published by: Mindaugas | Comments: 13958
(2002 ) planting trees: |
One dark ant late Autumn day we gathered for planting trees. There were 7 of us. We had one and a half spade and we planted 20 trees near the Islandijos road in Kaundas city: 10 oaks, 5 birches and 2 other trees of unknown kind that were stuck to the oaks we had. Finally it started to snow and we went to Laimis to eat apple pie and drink hot tea. We talked about future bees and visiting the trees we had just planted.
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| Published by: Mindaugas | Comments: 1430