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The main conference which exists already 3 years and has more than 100 members is AnastasijaLT@yahoogroups.com and is administrated by Arturas ( Vilnius , in forum Rapolas). The purpose of the conference is to inform about current news and discuss about important questions.

Read the archive: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AnastasijaLT/messages
Login: write a blank letter to AnastasijaLT-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Or write e-mail to arturas@mail.lt with request to login
Logout: a blank letter to AnastasijaLT-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Write letters to the conference : AnastasijaLT@yahoogroups.com

The conference aims to discuss ideas described in books written by Vladimir Megre.
This conference is not designed for news but for free discussion.
The address of the conference : konferencija@anastasija.lt

To send messages to members of the conference or receive them you have to register by one of following ways:

  1. Send a blank letter to konferencija-join@anastasija.lt and after you receive an answer follow the instructions described in the letter.

A new and a good conference of readers of books by V.Megre about Anastasia designed to discuss questions about

Establishment of settlements

and other questions, related to this topic.

To read letters in an archive of the conference:

If you need to login send a blank letter to:

Or write a letter to Laimis:

[ micro Engine: v0.11A, kodo ir dizaino eksperimentai: © Algis 2002-2024, http://komp.lt ]