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This is not a title of a song or a national park. This is a title of a club, which was established by young people who decided to create a unique ecological settlement. These young people wish to lose touch with civilization and to live very nicely and friendly.

“The Ringing Cedars”

It sounds like a dream. These who propagate this idea say that they are bored to live in cities where they lack plants and greenness. They are bored with cold relationship among people and alienation. That's why they decided to make their life better, to surround it by greenness and love to each other and to everything what surrounds them. One of the founder's of the club Mindaugas and a member of the club Reiki master Virgis tell about the unique idea to found ecological settlements. “We decided to live differently: not in a cramped block but in a house with a garden. It is expensive to buy a property in a town that's why we decided to look for free plot out of town, besides nice water: rivers, lakes. First we reviewed places 40 km out of town, now - 70 km. It is important that the plot were 50 ha or more, it would be ideal 150 ha, but it is almost impossible in Lithuania , where we do not have such great reaches as people in Russia .

A hectare for everybody

“Every person should have a hectare. Only in such a plot plants can grow naturally and will not be necessary to top-dress or weed. For a smart farmer who knows how to match plants will not be necessary to work in a garden a lot, he will find time to admire nature. Imagine – you have your own house, you go out barefoot and breathe fresh air… No sounds of cars… Won't most people dream about that?

Two thirds of every plot should be planted by trees and cedars. A fence around house would be from trees: cedars, hazel, apple trees and bushes. To have possibility not only admire nature but also pick a nut or some fruit and to eat it. In the plots will grow not only carrots and cabbages but also bilberries, raspberries, cowberries…”

Shortly, both men say that they do not do anything phenomenal: richer people buy land besides lakes and build houses, many people move to live to garden-plots.

“A man who farms, stars to love his land and becomes more spiritual, creative power becomes to grow and a person is eager to elaborates his spirituality. Relationship becomes more sincere… some people may think it is strange that strange people gather to communities, but strange become close very soon.”

In peace with everybody

They do not maintain that everything will be perfect in their community, nobody will despite, though in any case a man in a nature is more energetic and healthier. “Diseases start, thoughts become darker because we lack vitality,” - Virgis says.

“We will not reject washing-mashines, TV-sets or computers. Maybe some of us will build little wooden houses, o some – modern ones. This is a private affair, - Virgis and Mindaugas say, - It is more important to live in peace with oneself, nature and people round about.”

Everybody can buy a land and to build a house on a bank of a lake but they create a community because they need to live safer and happier.

Idea of Anastasia

Probably most people want to know who or what inspired to create such a life. Both they say that a thought about nicer and more perfect being rises when we read books by Vladimiras Magre about Anastasia. Who is she? A very nice woman, who lives in a taiga all the year, she does not get older, she is healthy, full of energy and has quick mind, and she is like a genius. In which way it is possible for her? She takes energy from nature, a cedar forest, she eats its fruits: berries, mushrooms, nuts and says that a man is a child of nature and can easily live in it. It is her thought to establish ecologic settlements who would be full of cedars, plants and berries.

Is Anastasia alive? “We think that this is not a point. According to her: I exist for these for who I exist.

The folds in all the world

People who are interested in this idea of nicer life in nature live in all the world. The movement of Anastasia spreads in Russia . There are a lot of settlements consisting of 150 ha there, also in England , Ireland , Canada , Italy , Latvia and Estonia . Lithuanians communicate to them by e-mail; receive images and projects of settlements. And also they create projects of future settlements themselves.

Club “The Ringing Cedars” is already two. It unites 100 people from Kaunas , 100 from Vilnius , Panevëţys, Klaipëda , Điauliai and etc. The meetings of folds take places in every town every week. Once a month they organize joint meetings. In summer they go out with tents and spend time together near fireplaces. When the weather becomes colder they meet inside and discuss future plans.

The Club unites people of various age, belief and professions: accountants, businessmen, lawyers, builders, farmers, artists and others. So when they need they have various kind of specialists.

Though to build such a settlement and to create such a community it would not be enough the whole life… “It's not a pity, our children and grandchildren will continue…”

Little Cedars, photos and newspaper

Many members grow cedars in pots at home to plant them to own land in future. “Cedar – is a special tree: it cleans environment, atmosphere and irradiates energy . Its seeds and oil is useful for human organism and gives precious substances.” While they do not have plots, they plant trees in towns and parks. They clean environment, write poems, draw plants, take photos of nature images. They show their works in internet sites which they created themselves. They publish a newspaper “A Space of Love”. It is available in a club or on the Internet. “Lithuanians abroad who are interested in this idea also ask us to send it,“ – he says. They try to create a space of love using all our recourses. Every edition will be lead by monologues of Anastasia – quotes from books by V.Magre, own thoughts and dreams about more perfect life, friendship, kind communication, nice being and future.

The last question: and what will happen if you do not succeed? “ Why should we? The most important is to buy a peace of land – a hectare will cost 2 thousand litas. This is much cheaper than to pay for heat many years. And then it is most important to have a big wish. If you have a big wish you will succeed,” – says Mindaugas, full of youthful maximalism.
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